Friday, 11 January 2013


Justinian fascinates us. I have recently come across with a reconstruction of his image based on the mosaic in St. Vitale, Ravenna. But doesn't this sort of spoil our image of the great Roman emperor? In the reconstruction, he looks like just average guy from any Balkan country today!


Something even more amazing:

But seriously, given different diet (no one ate potatoes in Roman/Byzantine times presumably), less technologically developed health care and sanitary system of the day, did people really look the same as modern people?

Greco-Roman statues give us an impression that ancient peoples look surprisingly modern and healthy.

But then, just like portraits of actors and actresses can be doctored and idealised, ancient statues, mosaics and paintings depict idealised images of rulers and holy men and women. You never know what they really looked like.

In a way, these paintings are equivalent of modern TV and movies. We can tell what looks are considered pretty perhaps, but don't really have any clue how people really were.

Obviously the reconstruction of Justinian takes the aura away from the original mosaic in St. Vitale in Ravenna. He looks gentle, kind and even weak-willed, compared with the mosaic. Of course the artwork is supposed to be a political statement from a man who was determined to hold the Roman Empire together and even to recover some of the lost territories. You feel strength and confidence, which are totally lacking from the reconstruction. It makes me realise what a masterpiece the St. Vitale mosaic is even more.

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